Catalogue of Tourist Itineraries

“Highlighting Artisanal Manufacturing, cuLture and Eco Tourism – HAMLET” Project addresses the valorization of historical centers, villages and small towns through the sustainable development of the tourism and economic sector, highlighting the environmental and cultural assets of the selected territories. By developing a common strategy of tourism management, the project aims to boost cooperation and networking between Italy, Albania and Montenegro, bringing up to the same standard the level of products and services offered, reunited under a unique cross-border brand identity which will identify and highlight the peculiarities of the Adriatic area. At the same time, the introduction of the selected areas into the tourist circuit will boost the local economy, with positive effects of the employment and will halt the current social impoverishment.
Within this project, a geographical and cultural mapping of local cultural and natural heritage sites was completed, with the aim of developing new tourist offers, with new itineraries and activities bundled under a common brand.