Procurement of Plastic Refuse Bags for Berat, Albania

Reference Number: BH SWE 03/2024
Contracting Authority: Brooks Hannas & Partners d.o.o, Tirana on behalf of the Brooks Hannas and Urban Research Institute consortium.
Project Title: Introduction of Source Separation, Berat, Albania
Short description of the contract: The purpose of this contract is purchase of plastic refuse collection bags for the City of Berat, Albania in order to enable local waste operators to organise systematic collection of separated waste from the historical areas of the city.
As a consequence, it is expected that the amount of recyclable waste in Berat will increase and that the quantity of landfilled waste will decrease, improving the municipal solid waste management. This pilot project will provide an example for national Albanian policy making and practical experience for other Albanian towns to consider. This action will improve the quality of life of citizens by raising environmental standards in Albania towards EU levels (overall objective).
Source of Funding: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.
Type of Procedure: Swedish Procurement Guidelines, Simplified Procedure
Language of Procedure: English.
Previous publication concerning this procedure: None.
Lots: This contract is divided into lots: No.
Type of contract: Supplies
Place performance: Geographical zone benefitting from the action: Berat, Republic of Albania
Eligibility: Registered companies, not under EU sanctions.
Selection criteria: None.
Rules of origin: Supplies may not come from countries under EU sanctions. All other countries are allowable.
Award Criteria: Price
Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender: Three (3) months from the date stated for receipt of tender.
Tender documents should be submitted to: . Tender should consist of:
– Tender submission form, using template provided.
– Technical offer, using template provided (Annex II & III)
– Financial offer, using template provided (Annex IV).
– Legal identity form, using template provided.
Tender to be submitted by e-mail to: .
Deadline for submission of tenders: Monday, 19th August 2024, 12:00 (CET)
Questions to be submitted by: 11th August 2024 to . Clarifications will be provided equally to all tenderers by the end of 13th August 2024.
Tender documents can be obtained, without cost, from:
Request should state:
- Reference Number of Procurement: BH SWE 03/2024
- Contact details of the requesting organisation.