Preparation of Transport Model, Including a Transfer Station at Regional Scale and Inter-municipal Institutional Set-up (Shkodër Lezhë Catchment Area)
This document discusses technical, institutional, contractual and financial solutions needed to make operational a regional scheme on the transfer of the waste from Malësia e Madhe and Kurbin to the Bushat landfill by the end of 2020 and onward. The document sets down the institutional arrangements for a potential regional Entity of Joint Competence (EJC) assigned to realize the integrated management of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) in the Waste Area of Shkodër-Lezhë. The proposal builds on Law 139/2015 “On local self-governance”. The institutional arrangements for the regional EJC shall be based on:
- A revised regional scheme for integrated waste management, taking into consideration the construction and operation of Transfer Stations (TSs) in the municipalities of Malësia e Madhe and Kurbin and final disposal of waste in the Landfill of Bushat;
- The Regional Scheme for the Waste Area of Shkodër-Lezhë taking advantage as per the definition of the draft Master Plan, otherwise defined as “Elaboration of a Sector Study for Investment Demand Inegrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) in Albania, 2018”, financed by KfW on behalf of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy (MIE);
- The willingness of municipalities within the selected WMZ to enter into an Inter-municipal Agreement (IMA) that will lead to the development and establishment of the desired arrangements for the EJC within the selected WMZ.
The proposed arrangements will bring effective and practical solutions to address problems related to management of IMSW, in reference and the fulfillment of the specific obligations that derive from Law nr. 10 463/2011 “On the integrated management of waste” as amended, and of the Waste Framework Directive 2008/98 of the EC and EU Parliament.
The content of this report was prepared by URI and delivered under the framework of the project “Strong Municipalities – Bashki të Forta”, financed by the Swiss Cooperation and Development in Albania and managed by Helvetas, Albania.