Manual on the Supervision and Testing of Construction Work

URI developed and published a Manual that sets some standards for supervising and monitoring construction processes, as well as the testing of construction works. The manual also addresses infrastructure projects i.e. public works, according to the legislation in place and best practices. Read more

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Policy Paper for Mainstreaming EbA approaches into Strategic Planning

This policy paper was developed within the project Building Climate Resilience through Ecosystem-based Adaptation, implemented with the financial support of the German Government through Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. The aim of the programme is to support developing countries and emerging economies in achieving their climate goals in line with the Sustainable Development […]

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Accessible Tourism Booklet – Berat

It would be unthinkable for tourists coming to Albania not to visit the beautiful city of Berat. A city full of rich traditions and natural beauty, whose historical architecture represents over 2400 years of heritage. In the framework of the project “Accessible Tourism 4ALL“, with the aim of promoting international tourism, and especially to help […]

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The Alternative View of Environmental Progress: Albania‘s Negotiations with EU and Chapter 27

GREEN 27+ consortium consisting of REC Albania, INCA, EDEN Center and Urban Research Institute, supported by 20 other environmental organizations in the country, drafted a Report on the opinion of Albanian civil society organizations on Chapter 27 – Environment, which is the first of its kind in our country. This group strongly believes in the […]

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Good Agricultural Practices in Ancient Olive Orchards

The identification of good agricultural practices helps sensitize local stakeholders on the ways they manage their olive orchards and if needed to present to them new methodologies for olive management. Additionally, it helps recover local populations’ awareness on their own cultural heritage linked to traditional olive culture as part of the ancient agricultural tradition and […]

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Local Environment, Tourist and Economic Development Plan

Projekti “Bashkëpunimi ndër-kufitar për zhvillim të qëndrueshëm dhe turizëm, nëpërmjet rritjes së vlerës së trashëgimisë kulturore rurale dhe ruajtjes së burimeve natyrore të zonave me pemishte antike të ullirit – OLIVO” kontribuoi në promovimin e aktiviteteve të qëndrueshme të turizmit dhe ruajtjen dhe mbrojtjen e burimeve natyrore në zonat me pemë ulliri antike/të vjetra dhe […]

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Economic Instruments to Promote Sustainable Land Use in Albania

In the framework of the UNEP-funded project “Developing the Capacities of Albania for an Effective Engagement with the Green Climate Fund“, Urban Research Institute has drafted a report on economic instruments that can be used to promote sustainable land use in Albania. Read more

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Green Climate Fund Handbook

In the framework of the implementation of the project “Developing the Capacities of Albania for an Effective Engagement with the Green Climate Fund“, Urban Research Institute has developed the Green Climate Fund Handbook for Albania. This handbook was prepared under the leadership and guidance ofthe Deputy Minister of Tourism and Environment as National Designated Authority […]

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Local Preparedness and Emergency Guide for People with Disabilities

This guide was developed for 4PLUS project within the “IPA II Greece – Albania 2014-2020 Cross-Border Program” and it aims to help citizens identify potential information on disaster risks, integrate individual and community mitigation plans and make efforts to improve the recovery process post natural disasters. In addition, this guide may be useful for law […]

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