Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit Komuna Qendër, Vlorë

In January 2009, Qendër Commune was involved in the process of drafting the Strategic Plan for Tourism Development to define a clear vision for the future of the commune and to plan the action steps and necessary resources to achieve that vision. Drafting of the Strategic Plan for Tourism Development was accomplished through an open and transparent process, which involved the commune staff, commune council representatives, heads of villages, representatives of business community, citizens, experts of various areas, archeologists, urban planners, historians, representatives of Vlora Region and other stakeholders. Albanian Development Fund (ADF) funded the drafting of the SPTD in the frame of Community Works Project III, and the Urban Research Institute in Tirana drafted the plan. The leading philosophy of Qendër Commune in this initiative consists in the adoption of the tourism sustainable development approach by paying attention to environment protection.