Short Stories about Kukës and Rahovec

Discover Kukës & Rahovec, enchanting short stories on culture, history, nature and legends from these areas. This publication has been crafted by the Urban Research Institute in the frame of EcoRoutes project. A collection of 18 stories, selected through the Writing Contest

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Discover the Kilim of Kukës: An Illustrated Travel Guide

Immerse yourself in the natural beauty and rich cultural heritage of Kukës, Albania, with our captivating illustrated travel guide. From breathtaking landscapes to ancient traditions, this guide will lead you on an unforgettable journey through one of Albania’s best-kept secrets.

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Tracing Traditions, Exploring Kavaja and Rrogozhina

This digital guidebook is produced to engage, help and inform foreigntourists exploring Kavaja and Rrogozhina, Albania. The guide’s focuson cultural heritage and traditional crafts such as pottery, weaving,and embroidery aims to offer visitors a chance to connect with localcommunities, understand their history, and appreciate theirtraditions.

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Manual for monitoring the NDC 2021-2030

This manual for the development of a monitoring and evaluation system of Albania’s Nationally Determined Contribution 2021-2030 supports the Ministry of Tourism and Environment in the implementation of the policies and measures of the Nationally Determined Contribution 2021-2030, as well as in the qualitative fulfilment of the obligations of Albania towards the United Nations Framework Convention […]

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Additional potential of energy efficiency for the enhancement of Albania’s NDC 2030

This publication is an analysis of Albania’s potential for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through energy efficiency; it supports the Ministry of Tourism and Environment in the enhancement of the Nationally Determined Contribution for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, as well as in the qualitative fulfilment of the obligations of Albania towards the United Nations Framework Convention […]

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Women’s vulnerability to climate change

This publication was prepared under the Readiness and Preparatory Support Project of the Green Climate Fund for the Ministry of Tourism and Environment of Albania “Enhancement of the existing NDC” 2020-2022. The project was implemented by the Urban Research Institute. This document provides an overview of the dimensions of gender vulnerability to climate change in […]

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State of implementation of energy efficiency policies and measures

This document is an assessment of the state of implementation of the national energy efficiency policies and measures for climate change mitigation in Albania’s NDC 2016-2030; it supports the Ministry of Tourism and Environment in the enhancement of the Nationally Determined Contribution for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, as well as in the qualitative fulfilment […]

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Manual on the Supervision and Testing of Construction Work

URI developed and published a Manual that sets some standards for supervising and monitoring construction processes, as well as the testing of construction works. The manual also addresses infrastructure projects i.e. public works, according to the legislation in place and best practices. Read more

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Policy Paper for Mainstreaming EbA approaches into Strategic Planning

This policy paper was developed within the project Building Climate Resilience through Ecosystem-based Adaptation, implemented with the financial support of the German Government through Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. The aim of the programme is to support developing countries and emerging economies in achieving their climate goals in line with the Sustainable Development […]

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Accessible Tourism Booklet – Berat

It would be unthinkable for tourists coming to Albania not to visit the beautiful city of Berat. A city full of rich traditions and natural beauty, whose historical architecture represents over 2400 years of heritage. In the framework of the project “Accessible Tourism 4ALL“, with the aim of promoting international tourism, and especially to help […]

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The Alternative View of Environmental Progress: Albania‘s Negotiations with EU and Chapter 27

GREEN 27+ consortium consisting of REC Albania, INCA, EDEN Center and Urban Research Institute, supported by 20 other environmental organizations in the country, drafted a Report on the opinion of Albanian civil society organizations on Chapter 27 – Environment, which is the first of its kind in our country. This group strongly believes in the […]

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Good Agricultural Practices in Ancient Olive Orchards

The identification of good agricultural practices helps sensitize local stakeholders on the ways they manage their olive orchards and if needed to present to them new methodologies for olive management. Additionally, it helps recover local populations’ awareness on their own cultural heritage linked to traditional olive culture as part of the ancient agricultural tradition and […]

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Local Environment, Tourist and Economic Development Plan

Projekti “Bashkëpunimi ndër-kufitar për zhvillim të qëndrueshëm dhe turizëm, nëpërmjet rritjes së vlerës së trashëgimisë kulturore rurale dhe ruajtjes së burimeve natyrore të zonave me pemishte antike të ullirit – OLIVO” kontribuoi në promovimin e aktiviteteve të qëndrueshme të turizmit dhe ruajtjen dhe mbrojtjen e burimeve natyrore në zonat me pemë ulliri antike/të vjetra dhe […]

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Economic Instruments to Promote Sustainable Land Use in Albania

In the framework of the UNEP-funded project “Developing the Capacities of Albania for an Effective Engagement with the Green Climate Fund“, Urban Research Institute has drafted a report on economic instruments that can be used to promote sustainable land use in Albania. Read more

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Green Climate Fund Handbook

In the framework of the implementation of the project “Developing the Capacities of Albania for an Effective Engagement with the Green Climate Fund“, Urban Research Institute has developed the Green Climate Fund Handbook for Albania. This handbook was prepared under the leadership and guidance ofthe Deputy Minister of Tourism and Environment as National Designated Authority […]

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Local Preparedness and Emergency Guide for People with Disabilities

This guide was developed for 4PLUS project within the “IPA II Greece – Albania 2014-2020 Cross-Border Program” and it aims to help citizens identify potential information on disaster risks, integrate individual and community mitigation plans and make efforts to improve the recovery process post natural disasters. In addition, this guide may be useful for law […]

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Assessment Report for Tirana: Post COVID-19 Recovery in Informal Settlements

The project “Post COVID-19 Recovery in Informal Settlements in the UNECE Region” aimed to strengthen the capacity of national and local governments in UNECE countries to address the needs of the most vulnerable population groups living in the informal settlements. The purpose was to enhance the socio-economic recovery following the pandemic and contribute to urban […]

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Preparation of Transport Model, Including a Transfer Station at Regional Scale and Inter-municipal Institutional Set-up (Shkodër Lezhë Catchment Area)

This document discusses technical, institutional, contractual and financial solutions needed to make operational a regional scheme on the transfer of the waste from Malësia e Madhe and Kurbin to the Bushat landfill by the end of 2020 and onward. The document sets down the institutional arrangements for a potential regional Entity of Joint Competence (EJC) […]

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Catalogue of Tourist Itineraries

“Highlighting Artisanal Manufacturing, cuLture and Eco Tourism – HAMLET” Project addresses the valorization of historical centers, villages and small towns through the sustainable development of the tourism and economic sector, highlighting the environmental and cultural assets of the selected territories. By developing a common strategy of tourism management, the project aims to boost cooperation and […]

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Regional Research on Waste Management Economic Instruments Implemented in SEE

The Project “Regional research on waste management economic instruments implemented in South Eastern European (SEE) countries” is financed under “Sustainable Municipal Services (SMS 2.0)” in Kosovo and co-financed by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and by the European Union. Cooperation at the regional level is achieved through a sub-group of Seneca Green, […]

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Telephone Survey Report: Disability Assessment

Though disaster prevention is gaining increased importance in the Regulations of Albania and Greece and in the priorities of the local authorities in the region, baseline data and strategic guidance on how to carry out the relevant priority setting and how to support hazard prevention and reaction measures for citizens with reduced mobility and autonomy, […]

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Stakeholder Participation Programme UKT

In order to increase its capacity, Tirana Water supply and Sewerage (UKT) received a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to implement an investment project to finance improvements in the water supply system, more specifically the (i) construction of a pipeline for transferring water from the Bovilla water treatment plant to the […]

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Financial Operational Performance Improvement Programme Report – UKT

Funded by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Tirana Water Supply and Sewerage (UKT) implemented an investment project to finance improvements in the water supply system, more specifically the (i) construction of a pipeline for transferring water from the Bovilla water treatment plant to the western part of the city; and (ii) extension of […]

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Matrix of Competencies of Local Self-Government

This analysis provides recommendations to the Ministry of Interior, responsible for the coordination with the local government and local elected associations, on steps that need to be taken to ensure in the sectorial legislation relevant to local self-governance the extent of local autonomy set out in the Cross-Cutting Strategy of Decentralisation and Local Governance. To […]

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Municipalities in the EU Integration Process of Albania

The purpose of this report is to point out the importance of the role of the local government in Albania’s EU integration process, by presenting its responsibilities towards the fulfillment of the accession criteria and EU standards, and the status of their fulfillment in year 2017, which can serve as the basis for assessing the […]

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Toolkit for the Preparation, Implementation, Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation of Public Administration Reform and Sector Strategies

A well-functioning public administration is a prerequisite for transparent and effective democratic governance. It is the foundation for the functioning of the state, determining a government’s ability to provide public services and foster competitiveness and growth.Achieving the necessary standard of public administration requires reforms in many areas of both policy and administration. If reforms are […]

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Local Finances for Environmental Services

The implementation of the Administrative and Territorial Reform was accompanied by the delegation from the central government to the local government of specific functions in the field of environment protection; at the same time, with the expansion of municipalities’ territories and populations, the need for local public services related to the environment increased. These additional […]

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Improving Waste Management Service in Kosova Municipalities

This is a summary report on the activities carried out by the Urban Research Institute as part of the “Sustainable Municipal Service (Waste Management)-Kosovo” project, which is funded by GIZ. This report details proposed concepts for improving waste management services in four Kosovo municipalities: Prishtina, Vushtrri, North Mitrovica and Fushë-Kosova. The report includes an overview […]

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Development of the Manual and Training Delivery for Inventory and Ownership Transfer of Public Properties to Local Government Units

A manual and a training module for local government units in inventory and transfer of public properties was prepared and was put to use by several local government units. Within the context of Local Government Assistance Program in Albania, a USAID financed project, the Urban Research Institute prepared this Manual for the identification and inventory […]

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Training Delivery and Module Preparation for Local Government units on the Service of Public Procurements

The strategy for the Decentralization of Local Government is under full implementation in Albania. Its implementation requires other legislation to be produced, strengthen of central and local institutions and increase the capacities and service delivery effectiveness at the level of local government units. UNDP Local Governance Program funded corresponds with the momentum in which the […]

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Differential Waste Collection in two Currents and Waste Recycling

URI in cooperation with the Municipality of Lezha and with the financial support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Albania, has implemented the project “Participatory Plastic Cleaning and Waste Management in the Municipality of Lezha” as an attempt to help implement the National Strategy on Waste Management and assist in improving […]

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Implementation of the Study on Access to Water Supply and Wastewater in Informal Urban Areas and Rural Areas of Five Districts in Albania

The project was geared from the country’s ambitions to gradually approximate the legislation and practical service delivery standards to EU best practices in consumer protections, as set out in Articles 70 and 76 of Stabilization and Association Agreement. It entailed the preparation of two studies on access to water and sanitation. One study focused on […]

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Civil Society Networks in Promoting Good Governance Principles

This publication is prepared by the Urban Research Institute in the framework of the OSCE Presence in Albania project “Strengthening the role of civil society in promoting good governance principles in the fight against corruption at the local government system and structures”, implemented at the Local Government Units of Kamëz, Laç, Përmet, Shijak and Çorovodë. […]

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Strategic Plan for Tourism Development of Qender Commune, Vlora

In January 2009, Qendër Commune was involved in the process of drafting the Strategic Plan for Tourism Development to define a clear vision for the future of the commune and to plan the action steps and necessary resources to achieve that vision. Drafting of the Strategic Plan for Tourism Development was accomplished through an open […]

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Comparative Study – Budget Management and Fiscal Capacity, Communes of Korça Region

This is study is part of a project for the budget analysis and financial management that was financed and implemented by the Swedish organizations SIDA and SIPU International for 9 pilot communes in Korca Region. The communes included in this project were: Proger, Qender-Bilisht, Bulgarec, Voskop, Voskopoje, Mollas, Liqenas, Hudenisht and Proptisht.This project offered technical […]

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